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Private Psychokinesis School

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I try to read and respond to all You Tube comment posted on my channel. Remarks with profanity and or extreme ignorance are deleted but some remarks are just too good to be forgotten. Below are my Top 20 favorite Tube quotes. The words in gray are my comebacks that I either thought ,or posted, before deleting their comment. If ignorance is bliss some of these people must be euphoric!


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20. He is obviously using his nose air and the heat and wind from his hands you fxxxxxg retards.

Hot-handed Bionic Nose Man and his invisible sidekick Ms.Windy strikes again!



19. It’s a fxxxxxg lame ass magic trick!!!!! He froze bb’s in his ice cubes and taped a magnet to his foot.

I bet your brain is the size of a BB and my steel toed boots are magnetically attracted to your butt.



18. I thought you were unlocking a car with your mind. Hell anyone can do it with a remote you dumb fxxk.

Oh really, than try unlocking my car with your remote Smartaxx. Note: I rather enjoyed this comment. :)



17. I watched 10 videos and still don’t know if this guy is legit. I mean this fxxxxxg sxxt would be on the news right?

I’m not sure which is sadder; you don’t know if telekinesis is real, or you still believes in public broadcast news.



16. This guy is a fxxxxxg con artist. There is obviously people off camera blowing on sxxt. FAKE and GAY!

Using the words “artist, gay, fake and blowing” all in one sentence reveals a lot about the true you.



15. Wat da fxxk?  Old weird dude with a leaf blower and some magic tricks= 7,188 subscribers?  Fxxk him…

Better make that old, weird, magic leaf blower dude with 7,189 subscribers counting you.



14. Again, no fxxxxxxg sound because you have an air compreser running and a hose stuck up your sleeve!!!!!!

Again, another stupid comment because your mouth is running full speed and your head’s stuck up your axx!



13. Invisable demons are why this works. If you do psychic stuff you will get fxxxxxg pozessed 4 real yall.

Invisible demons are better than visible ones I guess, and I heard poor spelling is a sign of demonic possession.



12. This is fxxxxxg fake as hell. He is just using intuition to know when and what the wind is going to do.

Wow! Sounds way cooler than Aerokinesis. I’m changing the title to “High-Speed Intuition” right now!



11. I hate trevor. If he is 4 real than I suck cuz I cant do shit. If he is a fraud he’s fxxxxxg tricking me.

Bad news is you’re kind of right. TK is real and you’ve tricked yourself into believing you suck.



10. This delusional, dyslexic dumb ass has no magical powers. He is using wind to move the trees.

Um… wouldn’t the ability to control the wind also be considered a magical power? ssA dmuD



9. Sometimes stuff just moves on its own. Doesn’t mean ur telekinetic or special u stupid motherfxxxxr.

If you see stuff move on its own you are “special” and should probably live in a very “special” home.



8. Nice camera angle axxhole! You cropped out the trucks and people with ropes moving the trees.

It was invisible giants but I’m thinking of something that involves a rope and a tree you should try.



7. He just sits there like hes stoned and waits for the fxxxxxg AC to kick on and blow stuff over.

Another poor cannabis user who just hasn’t smoked long enough to subdue the logical mind.



6. BULLSXXT He has some sort of a device that removes the oxygen from the room or something.

HORSE FEATHERS Your brain must have been deprived of oxygen a little too long at birth.



5. Heads up there is a guy named Randi offering a million bucks if you can prove this sxxt is real.

Heads up! People with a million bucks to give away don’t wear $90 polyester suits from K-Mart.



4. Fake as fxxk. Those match was dipped in a fire retardant liquid plus you can see him breathing.

I’ll admit to breathing and I think you must be breathing a little fire retardant solutions yourself.



3. The psi wheel turning under glass is the foil seeking to point north like a compass needle. Fxxxxxg morons!!!

If you believe aluminum foil is attracted to magnetic north you should have no trouble whatsoever believing in TK.  



2. Wear a mask fxxxtard!  I can see your breath blowing and sucking it over.

If you can see my breath you should be able to see my invisible mask.



1. This is just a fxxxxxg bar trick. He is using magnetized feathers.

Yep, I’m a retired bartender and I raise purebred magnetized birds.   














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