Private Psychokinesis School

Bonus Tips


Bonus Tips  Video  




Welcome. This page is a work in progress and pertains to the development of the Mind, Body and Spirit. If this page is helpful, be sure to bookmark and return soon as I will be adding much more to this section soon.


As you know, my public tutorials focus primarily on the mechanics of performing telekinesis; like learning which peddle is the clutch, brake and gas, etc. when learning to drive. The suggestions below however are not about the “car”, but rather how to empower the “driver”.


This information is based on my personal experience. These are not rules or mandatory prerequisites for learning Psychokinesis. Simply read the suggestions and if one resonates with you give it a shot. Remember, psi abilities grow slow and steady so if we want to see the benefits come to fruition, we should make a long term commitment and stick to it.  


Bonus Tips





The expansion of consciousness may require a purging of false beliefs. We may not be able to ascend to higher levels of awareness if our world view is built on unproven theories and erroneous information. Out with the Old, and in with the True.


The Age of believing ended in 2012. We are entering the Age of Knowing. Each person must awaken from their spiritual slumber and begin reexamining and verifying everything they believe to be true, starting with core beliefs.


From the sky above our heads to the ground beneath our feet, nearly everything we were taught in school is wrong. Reevaluate your belief system now and discard (or quarantine) any beliefs that cannot be validated using your own senses, intellect, intuition and experimentation.


It is better to have an empty cup (open mind) than to have a full cup with one drop of poison (untruth). Try to remain skeptical but optimistic as the revelations of human: origin, cosmology, purpose, powers and possibilities are being unveiled. If we want to unleash the power of our mind we should start by cleaning up our workspace.





The phrase “know thyself” is overused but highly underrated. We all need a few minutes or hours of solitude for daily silent meditation. Making time and finding or creating a quiet, private place to meditate is not always easy, but never impossible. Sometimes we have to go on the roof, climb a tree, or lock ourselves in the bathroom with headphones on, but there is always away.


If you don’t like meditating you are not alone, but this will change. Many people do not enjoy meditation at first. Meditation requires stillness and introspection and if you are like most, when you really stop and observe your every thought, action and emotion objectively you probably won’t like everything you see.


These initial feelings of unrest, inpatients or low self-esteem are a good thing. The displeased observer you become during meditation is the real you. The real you or the ”observer” does not condemn, so it is likely your false ego in conflict with our innate moral compass causing the discomfort. Breathe through it and just let all those feelings of guilt, regrets, fears and anxiety float away with every exhale.


Unfortunately sleep is no substitute for meditation because our brain performs many complex tasks when we sleep. During those fleeting moments of still, thoughtless bliss of meditation we are being healed, enlightened and empowered. Sometimes it happens so quickly or gradually changes go unnoticed, but positive changes are taking place every time we meditate. Do your mind a favor and let it shutdown and reboot once per day.





Did you know just a few moments of deep breathing will instantly change the chemistry in your brain allowing you to regain control of your thoughts, actions and emotions? No joke. Just try it right now and see what I mean. Give yourself 10 full, slow breaths, fully expanding and contracting your lungs to the max.


Can you feel all that energy swelling in your brain and the cleansing, relaxing sensation of your body being flooded with oxygen? That is a self induced power charge my friends and highly effective for improving cognitive function and telekinetic abilities.


Another great way to supercharge your brain for PK is to consume lots of fresh, raw organic food.  Some of the best brain boosting foods are: cranberries, elderberries, grapes, pecans and walnuts.  Eat a healthy serving of these superfoods a couple hours before practicing PK for an all-natural brain boost.


Last but not least, we need to crank up the electrical activity within our brain. Low salt equals a slow, weak synapses in the brain. Authentic Himalayan salt (pink) is by far the safest, fastest and easiest way to increase our brain’s electrical activity. Use it to season your food, cook with it, bath in it and if you want to go hardcore drink a glass of fresh Sole every morning for optimum cognitive conductivity.










Anyone can master some basic telekinesis maneuvers, regardless of their physical condition, but if you aspire to move heavier targets or master more advanced forms of Psychokinesis (PK) you may need to turn your attention towards nutrition, hydration, detoxification and pH level. Our mind, body and spirit each have a unique role to play and the body is primarily responsible for the energetic aspects including everything from the cultivation and utilization of chi to the distribution of electrical impulses within the brain and nervous systems (chakras).




There are many ways to increase our chi like breathing exercises, energy work and sun gazing, but the most efficient way I’ve found to increase life force energy is a diet of fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables. The two big hitters in the realm of Psychokinetic energy were carrots and grapes. Eating a wide variety of raw, plant based foods of every color is a great way to acquire more chi.




We can increase our electrical energy by consuming plenty of Himalayan salt (or other high quality natural salt) and drinking lots of ionized alkaline water, but in order to use this additional electricity effectively we also need to balance our pH. Using reliable pH strips try to keep your bodies’ pH level between 7 and 8.




The subject of diet is so complex it would take a small book just to cover the basics. In short, a vegan diet of mostly raw organic food and drinking lots of high quality water seems to be the recipe for PK success.  If you are not up for a change in diet even a few simple things like rebounding and deep breathing can greatly improve your PK abilities. All this and much more are explained in the free book linked below.



Want to improve your health and take your PK training to a whole new level?

Click out this free book (PDF) by Blake Sawyer.  





















(Click to download PDF)




Thanks for visiting.  


Bonus tips for the Spirit coming soon!





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